Professional Standards and Ethics Committee
What do we do?
The committee, made up of MTA members, works to help members resolve disputes in which a breach of the Code of Ethics may have occurred. The committee ensures that the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession is distributed to all professional and paraprofessional educators throughout the state; provides and assists associations in promoting and implementing the Code; and assists in the resolution of any complaint filed upon a written charge by a member of the MTA against another member.
The committee interprets the Code when requested to do so; carries out reviews of the Code and recommends changes to the NEA Review Board; and promotes an understanding of the Code by the general public and members of the MTA.
Conflict with a co-worker?
The Professional Standards & Ethics Committee is here to help. All educators would agree that a safe, collegial workplace is of paramount importance to a successful school. As educators, we must adhere to a strong Code of Ethics in our practice while working with children and other educators. It is for this purpose that the MTA adopted the NEA Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.
What is the first step?
The filing of an ethics charge against a fellow educator is not an easy decision to make. Please know that every member of the Professional Standards & Ethics Committee is committed to helping you.
How can the committee help you?
It is the duty of the committee to help members resolve disputes in cases where breach of the Code of Ethics may have occurred. Once a complaint is filed in writing with the chair of the committee, the charged party is notified of the complaint. If the committee deems itnecessary, the complaint advances to further investigation, mediation/conflict resolution or an advisory opinion.
All actions by the parties are kept strictly confidential, and all parties are given an opportunity to state their positions regarding the dispute. The goal of the process is to have the parties solve their disputes with the aid of mediation.
Mediation/conflict resolution sessions are scheduled as needed to reach resolution. If no resolution is reached, the ethical issues in dispute may be forwarded to the MTA Executive Committee.
Code of Ethics of the Education Profession
Chair: Bernadette Murphy
Staff Consultant: Greg Shea,